Key Network Engineering developments to look out for

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Key Network Engineering developments to look out forThe world of Network Engineering moves a...

Key Network Engineering developments to look out for

The world of Network Engineering moves at breakneck speed, but when you work in the field day-to-day it can be hard to appreciate the rapid pace of its evolution.

Innovation and technological development are synonymous with the sector and are the reason why so many are flocking to careers in the industry. It’s also the reason why we enjoy recruiting within the space. We know the fast-paced and exciting careers that the industry can offer, and in order to keep their fingers on the pulse in terms of the types of roles in demand, our consultants work hard to stay ahead of the curve of emerging technologies and trends. To give you a flavour, we’ve decided to highlight just a few:

Network automation

Utilising technology and tools which help to automate processes isn’t new, any change that will make processes more efficient has always been desirable, but the pandemic simply sped up the pursuit of automation.

Out of necessity, many IT professionals became further removed from their systems and numerous companies were forced to implement remote systems. As a result, many prioritised changes such as moving across to cloud-based software infrastructures that may have otherwise taken years.

IT departments can also no longer depend on a mix of tools to monitor their networks. Instead, they must know how to correlate data from varying streams to examine the bigger picture by using centralised network monitoring platforms that integrate with other monitoring tools and have plenty of built-in automation.

Although there have been concerns that automation would damage the need for network engineers, instead it has simply changed what they are needed for and will likely free up their time for more complex tasks. 75 per cent of the average network engineer’s time is spent on troubleshooting which once reduced significantly through automation, will allow network engineers this time to invest in new skills such as programmability.

5G emerges

The rise of 5G is transforming the sector with barriers to the mobility of wireless services quickly dissolving. 5G gives seamless open roaming capabilities between cellular and WiFi access and will help organisations to use applications with an increased network capacity and high data rates.

As this is rolled out and employers look to migrate their systems, the correct infrastructure and standards will be required for it to function, a shift that will likely shape the talent needs of the future.

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics is the use of historical data to predict the likelihood of future outcomes. Banks, for example, can identify fraudulent activity based on anomalies in purchasing patterns, but the technology is now applicable elsewhere.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are just a couple of the tools which will enable future network engineers to address potential network performance issues and optimise network efficiency by applying predictive analytics.

This will have huge implications for network security professionals who have previously relied on identifying digital fingerprints that hackers leave when they attempt to compromise data. Now, network security can be monitored in real time across multiple networks using predictive analytics.

Networking as a Service (NaaS)

IT is now increasingly delivered as a service, and organisations are recognising the great benefits that Networking as a Service (NaaS) can bring, and it shows. The global NaaS market was valued at $9.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow to $80 billion by 2029.

The concept of NaaS is like other ‘as a Service’ types. A networking vendor provides networking infrastructure to your facility and charges you for using it. This eliminates the high cost of product refreshes for routers as this comes as part of the service.

As a result, organisations can easily take advantage of shorter product cycles, and implement new technology as soon as it materialises, all under one cost. This outside vendor then manages everything through the cloud, removing the burden of mundane tasks such as updating and basic troubleshooting.

Of course, the ingenuity and forward-thinking nature of Network Engineering is reliant on a steady stream of talent who can adapt to new processes but also to navigate, and master rapidly evolving technologies.

Need support in enhancing your application and securing that dream role? We have over 30 years’ worth of experience and expertise in IT Network and Security, and unparalleled knowledge of the market. That’s how we can be confident in knowing that we can help you in achieving your career ambitions. Get in touch with our team today: